
Evaluating the Legacy of Community Health Initiatives
American Journal of Evaluation (2005)
Sustainability can be broadly defined as the continuation of community health or quality-of-life benefits over time. Within this broad definition, there are a number of specific categories of activities that may be sustained. That is there are multiple dimensions of sustainability, including programs and services; formal partnerships; policies; systems changes; environmental changes; and other community capacities.

Community Health Initiatives Sustainability Framework
Kaiser Permanente Community Benefit (2009)
Effective community changes remain in place and continue to evolve to promote progress towards long-term health and equity goals. The relationships between people and organizations created or reinforced by our initiatives continue to drive social action to improve health. This focus on sustaining the work and relationships is distinct from sustaining particular collaborative structures or other grant-funded entities per se. Core principles continue to be supported and advanced.

A Sustainability Planning Guide for Healthy Communities
CDC Division of Community Health (2011)
A community’s ongoing capacity and resolve to work together to establish, advance, and maintain effective strategies that continuously improve health and quality of life for all.