
SCAL HEAL Zones Scenario : Strategy Selection
The purpose of this exercise is to support grantees in selecting Community Action Plan strategies that:

  • Are supported by the community and respond to community needs/barriers/issues
  • Have high “dose” – i.e., high reach & strength
  • Are complementary and work together to achieve high-level goals

Creating Synergy with Environment, Policy, Education, and Promotion Strategies
The purpose of this exercise is to help participants review existing action plans through the lens of:

  • Prioritization of environmental strategies
  • Synergy between environmental, policy, educational, promotional strategies when appropriate.

HEAL Zone Community Action Plan Supplement: CAP Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is to help grantees to identify whether their intended strategies meet criteria associated with higher impact:

  • High and feasible reach
  • Frequency of exposure
  • Intensity of exposure
  • Degree to which the healthy choice is the only choice
  • Supporting promotional and educational strategies
  • Addresses barriers
  • Leverages assets
  • Evidence-informed

Virtual Brown Bag: Effective Assessment Tools
The webinar covered:

  • Why do community assessments?
  • How to conduct community assessment?
  • Overview of methods and tools (surveys, focus group, key informant interviews)
  • When have you have gathered enough data
  • Feeding data into your action plan revision process

Using Data for Program Improvement
The purpose of model and exercise guide is to provide grantees with an intentional process and hands-on experience with using existing data to guide and refine their strategies throughout the implementation phase.

School Data Summary Sheet
This tool serves as a template for creating user-friendly documents to engage school staff and administrators in a conversation about their school strategies. It helps them to see helping participants see the link between their strategies, outcomes we are measuring, and what the baseline data said about where they are to date.

Using Data to Motivate and Shock
This presentation is designed to provide practical helpful tips for including partners and residents in the data collection process. The small group exercise is designed to model how to effectively share evaluation results with partners and community residents (using data to shock and motivate).

Evaluation as a Tool for Engagement
This webinar is designed to engage participants in a discussion on how they can be involved in collecting and using data to support their efforts. Practical tools for engaging partners and residents in the data collection will also be shared for parks and open space improvement, corner store conversions, active recess, and physical education strategies.

Community Survey Data Presentation
These presentations were developed to communicate key findings from the community survey related to CAP strategies taking place in the community setting. The presentations also include questions to guide a discussion about data findings with coalition partners.

Using Observation Tools to Assess HEAL Strategies
This webinar provided an overview of two observation tools grantees can use to monitor park, school, and after-school physical activity strategies.